
The user who creates your Twingate network is the only admin user by default. Additional Twingate admin users can be designated in the Admin console.

Twingate supports four admin roles, each of which has different levels of access to the Twingate Admin Console:

RoleWrite capabilitiesRead capabilities
AdminEntire Admin ConsoleEntire Admin Console
DevOpsNetwork tab only, including the following: Creating and editing Resources, Connectors, and Remote Networks; Adding Groups to a Resource; Managing Request AccessEntire Admin Console
SupportNoneEntire Admin Console
Access ReviewerRequest Access page onlyEntire Admin Console

Assigning roles

The admin status of any user can be set from the user detail view by clicking on their name in the Users tab, selecting “Manage”, and then “Manage Role”. The desired role can be selected as shown below.

Accessing the Admin Console

Admins may log in to the Admin Console at using their configured email address and the identity provider or supported social identities for your Twingate network.

DevOps, Support, and Access Reviewer admins accessing the Admin Console will see their role reflected in a badge next to the Twingate logo. Additional information regarding their level of access is available by hovering over the role badge. If a DevOps, Support, or Access Reviewer admin attempts to edit a setting their role does not allow access to, they will be blocked from making that change. An error message will be displayed as shown below.

Last updated 1 month ago