Network Overview
The Network Overview tab provides a snapshot of your current Network, showing key high level information, connections, and recent activity. This allows admins to quickly understand usage and easily drill down for more details.

Network Insights
Active Devices: Number of Devices with the status Active
Online Devices: Number of Devices with a user logged into the Twingate Client
Trusted Devices: Number of Devices that fulfill the requirements of a Trusted Profile
Resources: Number of Resources added to Twingate Online Resources: Number of Resources in Online Remote Networks Disconnected Resources: Number of Resources in Offline Remote Networks
Remote Networks: Number of Remote Networks created in Twingate Online Remote Networks: Number of Remote Networks with at least one online Connector Offline Remote Networks: Number of Remote Networks with no online Connectors
Users and Services
Admin Users: Number of users assigned the Admin Role DevOps Users: Number of users assigned the DevOps Role Support Users: Number of users assigned the Support Role Member Users: Number of users assigned the Member Role Services: Number of Service Accounts created in Twingate
Connection History
The Connection History graph shows the number of successful and failed connections in the past 7, 30, and 90 days. For the 30 and 90 day graphs, each bar represents the number of successful and failed connections in a day, while bars on the 7 day graph represent the number of successful and failed connections in an hour.
Recent Activity

Network traffic across all Remote Networks is shown under the Recent Activity section. Clicking into specific events shows more details, including the Resource IP address, protocol, connection type, and duration.
Last updated 1 year ago