The ultimate guide to DNS & Twingate
Everything you have ever wanted to know about Twingate & DNS.
When it comes to DNS, we often get many questions from first-time Twingate users. Let’s review the most common ones and where to find detailed answers.
What exactly is DNS, anyway?
If you are new to DNS in general and not just DNS in Twingate, we have got you covered. Take a look at our complete introduction to DNS, which is useful whether you use Twingate or not.
What you will learn
What DNS is for, how it is used by computers and devices across the internet, and what records it typically handles.
I know DNS but I don’t have a DNS server set up. What are the benefits?
Uf you know what DNS is but do not currently run a private DNS server, take a look at our DNS best practices guide to understand its advantages.
What you will learn
Why you may benefit from running a small DNS server in your own environment and how you can use it to make your users’ experience better.
How does Twingate resolve private fully qualified domain names (FQDNs)?
If you know what DNS is and would like to know how Twingate manages DNS resolution for private resources, take a look at our in-depth practical guide on DNS with Twingate.
What you will learn
How the Twingate Client intercepts traffic and resolves FQDNs and who does the actual resolution to the private IP address.
How do I run DNS queries from the Twingate Client?
If you know how DNS works in Twingate, then you already know that the Twingate Client returns a CGNAT IP address for each private FQDN that matches a Twingate Resource that is different from the actual private IP address of the Resource. If you want to still run dig
or nslookup
queries to retrieve the actual private IP addresses of Resources for the purpose of troubleshooting, take a look at our guide on how Twingate can forward DNS queries.
What you will learn
How to retrieve the actual private IP address of a Resource (and not the CGNAT IP address assigned by the Twingate Client).
How does Twingate encrypt all DNS traffic?
If you want to know what Twingate can do to protect your unencrypted DNS traffic, take a look at our guide to DNS security.
What you will learn
How Twingate can encrypt all DNS traffic whether it points to your private Resources or anything else.
Last updated 1 year ago